The Advantages of Outsourcing Recruitment

2 min readMay 31, 2021

Running a successful startup is difficult and time-consuming, outsourcing recruitment is a necessary and wise practice.


1. Reduce cost per hire

When recruitment is handled in-house, the costs of hiring can quickly add up. Advertising on job boards, devoting HR personnel to read and screen CVs, and conducting interviews all take a significant financial toll on the company. These costs can be significant depending on the level of the job vacancy, as some may require several rounds of screening and interviewing. Replacing a high-level employee can cost up to £30,000. Outsourcing recruitment simplifies the process and allows you to consolidate all of these costs into a single, simple, and often lower-cost fee. Furthermore, you only have to pay the recruitment fees while you are using them, which means that if your company’s employee turnover is low, you may only need to pay a one-time fee every few years rather than maintaining a dedicated HR team.

2. Employees can concentrate on their primary responsibilities

Although filling a vacancy is important for your company, it takes valuable time away from your employees that could otherwise be spent fulfilling their regular responsibilities. Allowing your employees to focus on their primary responsibilities and outsourcing recruitment can help you save time and increase the efficiency of your business.

3. Better quality hires

Recruitment consultants are skilled at identifying the characteristics of candidates who would be an asset to your company while efficiently weeding out those who are unsuitable for the role. As experienced recruiters, they can also advise you on aspects of the role that you may not have considered important or offer alternative qualities that you should look for in your candidates. Rather than relying on the right person for the job seeing the job advertisement at the right time, recruitment agencies have access to a pool of qualified candidates and will be able to contact them directly. This improves your chances of filling your vacancy with the best candidate for the job.

4. Effective use of time

Conducting your own recruiting is not only costly, but also time consuming. You may, for example, wish to leave your advertisements open for an extended period of time in order to increase your chances of attracting a high-quality candidate. Then there’s the time spent screening candidates and conducting interviews. The longer this process takes, the longer your company must function without an employee filling the vacancy’s roles, which can put a tremendous strain on your team. Outsourcing your recruitment, on the other hand, eliminates all of these stages and can often result in a vacancy being filled in a matter of days rather than weeks when the hire is conducted internally.





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