What are the most important employer values for SaaS talent right now?

2 min readMay 31, 2021

As a result of COVID 19, the labour market in which we operate has shifted from an employer-driven to an employee-driven market.

COVID 19 has resulted in significant positive changes in many workplaces, including remote working, trust, increased productivity, and a greater sense of balance. Employers will improve their employer brand if they can maintain some or all of these positive changes when things return to normal.

Why are Employer Values Important?

The Employer Value Proposition is the foundation of your company’s brand, defining its positioning and strategic direction. We all know that effective brands are built around a compelling proposition. This defines the main benefits that a customer will receive from his relationship with your brand, as well as the values and principles that the company represents.

What are the most important employer values for SaaS talent right now?

· Encourage Work-Life Balance

Encourage Work-Life Balance Improvement– Creating a harmonious work-life integration is critical not only for improving well-being, but also for business and careers. Employers who are committed to providing work-life balance environments for their employees can save money while also enjoying a more loyal and productive workforce.

· Be Adaptable

Be adaptable: In this day and age, flexible working arrangements can help employees balance work responsibilities. Flexible working options may include: starting or finishing work at different times, working compressed hours, and working remotely with all necessary support and tools.

· Boost Job Security

Sometimes your employee may require your reassurance that you require his services. Making sure your employee feels valued in his employment with your company will help you both continue to thrive in the future.

For more industry insights, check out our website @ www.co-digi.com.





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